Maiken Hansen at work on the sound mix of DEER WOMAN CHILD
Delighted to be in the mix with Maiken Hansen – our Sound Mixer - in the studio at the Northern Film School. In these final stages of post-production, we bring together the beautiful and delicate sound design laid down by Frankie Maiden and achingly emotional score by Birger Clausen. It is a privilege to have been able to work with such an amazing creative team.
Maiken and Sound Designer Frankie Maiden working in the Northern Film School audio post-production studio
This is where the film is heard and seen in its complete form after many months of work. Every sound, which has been so carefully chosen, recorded and layered is shaped and placed within the narrative space so as to create the emotional feeling of each scene. The process is intuitive and precise, responding to everything that has gone before in making the film, finding synthesis in the many layers and bringing the world of the story to life.